How to Fix a Hole in Jeans

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Learn how to fix a hole in jeans. It’s common for jeans to get holes in the knees, so this is a strong way to close the hole and it’s almost invisible.
I used to work at a tailor shop and we mended holes in jeans all the time. It was a really common fix. You don’t have to pay someone to fix your jeans since it’s easy to do it yourself!
This sewing technique is the way I learned while working, and it is the strongest way to fix a hole. It isn’t completely invisible, but it’s really close depending on the thread you use.

If you don’t mind having a weaker mend and you don’t want the stitching to show, you can also put fabric behind a hole without any visible mending or do a really fun big zigzag contrast stitch for a unique look.
It’s important to have jeans that are the right length, so you can also learn how to hem jeans with the original hem. Or you can learn how to hem jeans.
My kids always put holes in their knees first. If it’s close enough to spring I let them have holes in their jeans, and then eventually cut them into shorts.
Since it’s the middle of winter, my son needed a bunch of holes mended to keep his knees warm in the snow! Learn how to sew on a patch to cover holes or to add an embroidered patch for details.
How to Fix a Hole in Jeans
- Jeans with a hole
- Matching all-purpose thread (jeans lean more towards gray so pick a blue gray)
- Scraps of heavy fabric like denim or canvas
- Double sided fusible adhesive*
- Sewing tools
- Sewing machine
Cut a piece of thick fabric the shape of the hole and 1 inch wider on all sides. Make sure the fabric is similar in color. Round off the edges and finish them with a zigzag or a serger.
Open the side seam of the pants right where the hole is with a seam ripper. Don’t open a seam with topstitching.
When I am choosing thread I place a bunch of threads across the area I’m going to mend. Then I half close my eyes and look through my lashes. The thread that “disappears” the most is the thread that I choose.
Cut out a piece of double sided fusible adhesive a little bit smaller than the fabric piece.
Iron them together. Make sure that you iron the double sided fusible adhesive to the RIGHT side of the fabric. The side with the adhesive will be what shows through the hole.
Peel of the paper backing.
Iron it onto the pants centering the patch over the hole.
If you want extra strength leave the white threads on. If you want the mending to be more invisible trim all of the white threads off.
For this example I left the threads on.
Next, from the inside sew 1/8 inch all around the patch. This is what I call a perimeter stitch. Use thread that matches the fabric.
Now from the outside sew forwards and backwards across the hole. I like the follow the diagonal direction of the twill weave so that the stitching blends in better.
The back will look like a bunch of stitching.
Sew the side seam closed and finish the raw edges with a zigzag stitch or a serger.
If you make something using this sewing project, I’d love to see! Please share it on social media with the hashtag #heatherhandmade and tag me!
I believe small sewing moments can create great joy. Find your own “right” way to sew. -Heather
I have a son with special needs who wears a hole in the knees of his jeans almost weekly! I have been putting patches on the outside but they look odd and he just picks them off – tried your method and its much better – thanks!
Oh I’m so glad this will help!
Do you have any recommendations for lending knit leggings? I have a daughter who never ceases to amaze me with how quickly she can get a hole in her pants. She wears mostly stretchy leggings though. Do I just use a thicker knit behind to patch?
I need to make a tutorial of this! I often mend it using sweatshirt fabric or polar fleece since it is thicker but I use all zigzag stitches to try to keep the stretch. Because my girls are so hard on their leggings and wear them out fast, sometimes I just add iron-on vinyl over the hole to make it last until I cut the leggings into shorts or something else. Hope that helps!
If your jeans have a habit of getting holes in certain areas then apply iron on patches to the inside of your jeans in those areas when they’re new – it will help to maintain the integrity of the fabric in those areas for much longer.
After ironing on the patches I sew around edges using a thread that matches the exterior of the jeans so it’s barely noticeable. This has worked for me for decades. Never hurts to make your clothing last longer.
Great idea!
I haven’t had to do this yet. We live where it is warm most months and the pants with holes become cut off shorts, haha. I will have to try this for myself though. I get holes when my thighs rub together!
Usually we do that too! Just sometimes holes come right before the warm weather so I have to get the pants to hold on a little bit longer! This is a great tutorial for other holes though! I’ve used it in so many different places to mend!
I love this! I’m so tired of seeing people wearing jeans with holes in them. In the 70’s we just put beautiful fabric/patches over holes and covered jeans with embroidery. We were so cool.
I want to try that method next!
Re: the bobbin thread, It's not lazy it's resourceful! Only discovered you blog recently and I'm really glad I did. Thanks for all the wonderful things you share, it's very inspirational!
This would have been handy when I had boys around! BUT you never know…I might get really rowdy one day and need this skill too! 😉
I thought of you & your kitchen when I saw this post this am:Lemon Wreath
Have a great weekend!
wow, thank you so much for posting this!! Seriously I had mended some of my son's pants and he tore them again, I'm so glad I didn't throw them away, now I can mend them again during the spring following this tutorial. Thank you Heather!