Free Costume Robe Sewing Pattern

heather handmade sewing

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Learn how to make a Halloween costume robe with a free sewing pattern. I used this pattern to make a Jedi Robe and a Harry Potter robe.

There are so many costumes that can be based of off a really good robe sewing pattern: wizard, witch, grim reaper, Harry potter character, jedi, sith, other star wars characters, judge, and graduate. These are just the obvious characters so there are plenty of other great costumes that use a robe.

I finally felt confident enough to create a robe sewing pattern for kids, and I made both a Gryffindor inspired robe and a Jedi inspired robe. One robe is lined and the other is unlined. Get the free pattern for the robe at the end of the post, and don’t miss the video teaching you how to make it!

free costume robe sewing pattern

What fabric should I use to make a costume robe?

The best fabric to use is any woven apparel fabric like lawn, chambray, gauze, satin, rayon, and linen. Lawn, chambray, and gauze are great for cotton robes. Satin, rayon, and linen are lightweight fabrics with a lot of drape. They also have a slight sheen so they would make a great dressy robe.

You can also use quilting cotton to make a robe. It will have to be ironed but it is the easiest to find and the easiest to sew. The brown robe is made from a polyester cotton woven fabric blend. The black and red robe is made from two different quilting cottons.

harry potter robe sewing pattern

What sizes does the pattern come in?

The pattern comes in child sizes 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. That’s eight sizes so you can find the best fit. The pattern also comes with a rounded hood and a pointed hood to work with lots of different costumes.

harry potter robe sewing pattern

Can I make the robe lined or unlined?

This pattern can be made unlined or lined. You’ll need 3 yards of one color for an unlined robe, and 3 yards of each color for a lined robe.

I made the red and black robe lined and all the seams are enclosed, so I didn’t have to do any seam finishes. It is like making two different robes and then combining them.

I made the brown robe unlined so I did French seams on everything. I could have used a serger, but I didn’t have the right color of thread to match well inside.

harry potter robe sewing pattern

What is a PDF sewing pattern?

A PDF pattern is a sewing pattern designed on the computer and organized so that it can be printed on several letter or A4 size pieces of paper.

I love using PDF sewing patterns because if the pattern gets ruined or if my children or I changed sizes, I can always print it again. It’ll never be destroyed since I have a digital version!

jedi robe sewing pattern

How do you use a PDF sewing pattern?

Open the PDF on a computer and click print. When printing make sure that the scaling is set to 100% or no scaling so that the pattern prints at the correct size.

Once the pattern is printed it can be taped together to get the full size. Then the pattern can be cut for each pattern piece size or individual sizes can be traced so that the pattern can be used again and again. Learn how to use PDF sewing patterns.

jedi robe sewing pattern

Do you love to sew? Try one of these sewing projects:

jedi robe sewing pattern

How to Make a Robe for a Costume


  • Free costume robe sewing pattern – get it at the end of the post
  • Lined robe: 3 yards of each color or 6 yards total
  • Unlined robe: 3 yards of one color
  • Sewing tools
  • Sewing machine

Do you just want the pattern and tutorial as a PDF? Get the pattern and tutorial for just $6. You won’t need to access the internet every time you want to make it. Or get the Pattern Bundle with ALL the PDF tutorials!

Lined Robe

Cut out these pieces from both fabrics:

  • 1 back on the fold
  • 2 fronts mirrored
  • 2 sleeves on the fold
  • 2 hoods mirrored
cut out all the pieces

Match up the shoulder seams right sides together and sew. Backstitch when you start and when you stop. Press the seam allowance towards the back. Do both the outer fabric and the lining.

sew the shoulders

Match up the hoods right sides together and sew the top and the back. Backstitch when you start and when you stop. Do both the outer fabric and the lining.

If you are doing the pointed hood make sure to pivot at the corner and trim the seam allowances. If you are doing the rounded hood just sew a nice curve.

sew the hood and clip the corners

Match up the hood to the neckline of the robe with right sides together. The center fronts and the center backs should line up. Sew the seam and backstitch when you start and when you stop. Do both the outer fabric and the lining. Press the seams up towards the hood.

sew the hood to the neckline

Match up each sleeve to each armscye with right sides together. Sew the sleeves in and backstitch when you start and when you stop. Do both the outer fabric and the lining. Press the seams towards the sleeves.

sew the sleeves to the shoulders

Match up the side seams and the sleeve seams with right sides together. The sleeve seam allowance should point towards the sleeves. Sew and backstitch when you start and when you stop. Do both the outer fabric and the lining.

sew the side and sleeve seams

Turn the outer robe right side out. Slide it inside the robe lining so that the right sides are facing. Match up the hems and the center front up around the hood. Sew the hem and the front. Leave a 10 inch hole for turning and backstitch when you start and when you stop.

sew the hem and the front

Trim the corners at the bottom front corner to reduce the bulk.

clip the corners

Turn the robe right side out through the hole.

Push the sleeves in place. Grab the sleeve hem sleeve allowance through the hole and sew the sleeve ends together. Do the same to the other sleeve.

sew the sleeve hems

Push the sleeves back in place. Edgestitch the hem to close the hole and up the center front and around the front of the hood. This will keep the edges nice and crisp, and it will help keep the lining in place.

edgestitch the front edges and hem to close the hole

Unlined Robe

Cut out these pieces:

  • 1 back on the fold
  • 2 fronts mirrored
  • 2 sleeves on the fold
  • 2 hoods mirrored

Construct the robe the same way as the instructions above except finish each seam as you sew it. You can serge it, zigzag it, or do French seams. The front edge and hems will also be sewn differently.

sew the robe and hem the raw edges

The front, sleeve hems, and body hem will be finished with a 1/4 inch double fold hem.

finish edges with a french seam or a serger

Get the Free Sewing Pattern here!

harry potter robe sewing pattern

If you make something using this sewing project, I’d love to see! Please share it on social media with the hashtag #heatherhandmade and tag me!

jedi robe sewing pattern
heather sewing

I believe small sewing moments can create great joy. Find your own “right” way to sew. -Heather

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I’m trying to download this grim reaper pattern but it’s keeps asking for my email… I joined and provided my email twice. But still no joy. What am I doing wrong?