Free Box Zipper Pouch Sewing Pattern

heather handmade sewing

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Learn to make a box zipper pouch with a free sewing pattern. This beginner sewing project is a great toiletry bag for travel or organizing!

I have falled in love with sewing zipper pouches. I love creating the free sewing patterns and I love sewing them. I used to hate sewing zippers, but making myself practice has helped me learn to enjoy it.

Zipper pouches are so great for organizing and traveling. This zipper pouch is a great toiletry bag since you can open it all the way to see everything inside. It’s so compact but nothing gets lost in the corners.

box zipper pouch

What fabric should I use for a box zipper pouch?

The outside of the box should be made from canvas fabric since it’s strong and durable. It’ll help the bag hold it’s shape. The inside of the box can be made from quilting cotton. You’ll need about a fat quarter of each fabric.

You’ll also need medium to heavy weight fusible interfacing to give the pouch stability. Optionally, you can add fusible fleece to one of the layers if you want.

free box zipper pouch sewing pattern

What is a PDF sewing pattern?

A PDF pattern is a sewing pattern designed on the computer and organized so that it can be printed on several letter or A4 size pieces of paper.

I love using PDF sewing patterns because if the pattern gets ruined or if my children or I changed sizes, I can always print it again. It’ll never be destroyed since I have a digital version!

How do you use a PDF sewing pattern?

Open the PDF on a computer and click print. When printing make sure that the scaling is set to 100% or no scaling so that the pattern prints at the correct size.

Once the pattern is printed it can be taped together to get the full size. Then the pattern can be cut for each pattern piece size or individual sizes can be traced so that the pattern can be used again and again. Learn how to use PDF sewing patterns.

free box zipper pouch sewing pattern

Do you love to sew? Try one of these fun sewing projects:

free box zipper pouch sewing pattern

How to Sew a Box Zipper Pouch


  • Free box zipper pouch sewing pattern – get it at the end of the post
  • Fat quarter of canvas fabric for outer fabric
  • Fat quarter of quilting cotton for lining
  • Medium to heavy weight fusible interfacing
  • 12 inch or longer zipper
  • Optional: fusible fleece
  • Sewing tools
  • Sewing machine

Do you just want the pattern and tutorial as a PDF? Get the pattern and photo tutorial for just $5. You won’t need to access the internet every time you want to make it. Or get the Pattern Bundle with ALL the PDF tutorials!

box zipper pouch supplies

Using the pattern piece cut out a piece of canvas, a piece of quilting cotton, and a piece of interfacing.

cut out fabric and interfacing

Fuse the interfacing to the back of the canvas fabric.

apply interfacing to the canvas

Move the zipper pull to the middle of the zipper. Take one long side of the canvas and match it to the right side of one zipper tape. Take one long side of the lining and match it to the wrong side of the same zipper tape.

Pin the three layers together. Sew the three layers with a zipper sewing machine foot and backstitch when you start and when you stop. Stop halfway with the needle in the fabric, lift the sewing machine foot, and move the zipper pull out of the way.

sew canvas to right side of zipper and lining to wrong side of zipper

Press the fabrics away from the zipper. Edgestitch the fabrics away from the zipper.

edgestitch fabric away from zipper

Move the zipper pull to the middle of the zipper again. Take the other long side of the canvas and match it to the right side of other zipper tape. Take the other long side of the lining and match it to the wrong side of the other zipper tape.

Pin the three layers together. Sew the three layers with a zipper sewing machine foot and backstitch when you start and when you stop. Stop halfway with the needle in the fabric, lift the sewing machine foot, and move the zipper pull out of the way.

do the same to the othing side

Press the fabrics away from the zipper. Edgestitch the fabrics away from the zipper.

edgestitch fabric away from zipper

Match up the right side of the short end of the canvas with the right side of the short end of the zipper side. Pin the layers together.

pin short end of canvas right sides together to zipper end

Pull the lining short end away from the pinned section and down around the rest of the fabric to the other side.

pull lining short edge away and around to the other side

Match up the lining short end with the pinned section but on the other side then the canvas. Pin all the layers together.

pin lining short end to already pinned short end

Sew all the layers together. Backstitch when you start and when you stop.

sew short end

Trim off the excess zipper.

Use the same method to sew the other short side of the pouch.

trim off excess zipper

On the short ends press the fabric away from the zipper. Edgestitch the fabric away from the zipper.

edgestitch fabric away from zipper end

Turn the pouch right side out. Open the zipper all the way. You now have four open corner holes.

turn right side out

Fold the holes with canvas right sides together vertically from 90 degree angle to 90 degree angle and the seam in the center. Pin all four corners the same.

fold on corners to match right side together

Sew each corner seam and backstitch when you start and when you stop. Finish the edges with either a zigzag stitch or a serger.

sew all four corners and finish edges

Turn the pouch right side out through the zipper. You finished!

free box zipper pouch sewing pattern

Get the Free Sewing Pattern here!

free box zipper pouch sewing pattern
[mv_create key=”198″ type=”diy” title=”How to Make a Box Zipper Pouch” thumbnail=””]

If you make something using this sewing project, I’d love to see! Please share it on social media with the hashtag #heatherhandmade and tag me!

heather sewing

I believe small sewing moments can create great joy. Find your own “right” way to sew. -Heather

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beautiful box zipper pouch, but I don’t see the pattern.