DIY Lab Coat for Kids from a Men’s Shirt

My son has been working on a biography in school and decided to research Albert Einstein. For his final project he got to dress up as Albert Einstein and give an oral report.

He was so excited to wear a lab coat and wear a wig and mustache. I didn’t want to buy a cheap costume, so I decided to upcylce a white men’s shirt into a DIY lab coat. 

– Medium or large men’s white button up shirt – Sewing tools – Sewing machine



Mark a straight line across the bottom of the shirt hem.

Cut the shirt hem off along the straight line.



Mark a straight line across the sleeve just above the sleeve placket.

Cut both sleeves straight across just above the sleeve placket.


Fold the sleeve hem up 1/2 inch twice. Fold the shirt hem up 1/2 inch twice.


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