20 Sewing Hacks for Making Clothes

Do you love sewing clothing? Sewing apparel is my very favorite kind of sewing. There are some tips and tricks to make your sewing easier and faster.

Learn simple sewing hacks to make sewing clothes easier. Whether for the sewing machine, cutting, or sewing room these ideas can all help.

1. Washi tape and pleats

Use washi tape to hold pleats before sewing. It holds the whole pleat instead of just the top of the pleat.

When sewing corners leave the sewing machine needle down, lift the sewing machine foot, and move the fabric. Then put the sewing machine foot down and sew the next side.

2. Corners and the sewing machine needle

3. Hairspray and threading a machine

Spray the thread end with hairspray to make it easier to thread in the sewing machine needle.

The easiest way to mark a larger seam allowance without making it permanent is using washi tape.

4. Marking with washi tape

It’s the worst when your fabric scissors are dull. Use sandpaper and aluminum foil to sharpen the scissors again.

5. Fabric scissors and aluminum foil and sandpaper

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