How to Turn a Men’s Shirt to Skirt

Turning a men’s shirt into a skirt is a quick project, and the result is so good.

You get to reuse some of the original details that elevate the skirt from a basic skirt, but it’s still really comfortable to wear and easy to make.

– Men’s button up shirt – Elastic – Safety pin – Sewing tools – Sewing machine


Lay the shirt out flat. Start by cutting through the shirt, just below the armpits. You can mark and cut with scissors, or you can use a ruler, cutting mat, and rotary cutter.


Make sure you are cutting between buttons instead of through a button.


Place the cut edge of the button placket together where it should be and sew it in place.


Finish the cut edge of the shirt with either a serger or a zigzag stitch.


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